Watson Block Blog

Featured image for post: Why Hiring a Day-of Coordinator Can Make Your Special Day Stress-Free

Why Hiring a Day-of Coordinator Can Make Your Special Day Stress-Free

Photo by: Engle Olson Photography Planning a special event, whether it's a wedding, anniversary celebration, or corporate gathering, is an exhilarating journey filled with endless possibilities. However, as the big day approaches, the excitement can often be overshadowed by stress and anxiety. That's [...]

Featured image for post: Best Graduation Party Ideas Guaranteed To Impress

Best Graduation Party Ideas Guaranteed To Impress

Graduation day is one of life's most significant and special moments. Whether your student or loved one is graduating from high school, college, or technical school, throwing a fabulous party to celebrate their accomplishments shows them how proud you are of their hard work. Still, it can be hard to [...]

Featured image for post: How to Plan a Celebration of Life: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Plan a Celebration of Life: A Step-by-Step Guide

Losing a loved one is difficult and can be emotionally and physically draining.  Planning a funeral is a somber and often dreaded task when you are grieving a loss.  Perhaps that is why so many people choose a celebration of life rather than the customary funeral.     A celebration of [...]

Featured image for post: Corporate Event Ideas: Entertainment & Activities

Corporate Event Ideas: Entertainment & Activities

When generating new events for your company, you want to choose options that will engage your team and encourage their participation. You want to incorporate the theme and goal of the event in everything from activities and presentations to the food and decorations provided. Below are some of the more [...]


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